Thursday, February 25, 2010

psalm 9:1-2 . . . i will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; i will recount all of Your wonderful deeds. i will be glad and exult in Your Name, o Most High.

been counting my blessings the past couple of days. its really helped change my perspective. that, along with some great encouragement by a new friend. i'm excited about how the Lord is challenging me right now. and very blessed by His faithfulness in granting me some great conversation, and fun times.

new thoughts last night. about life. what i want to do, and how once again, i realize i'm always limiting myself. the things i want to do, i've always told myself i can't. so, now i'm evaluating. again. what do i want in life. [more on that.]

matthew 13:44 . . . the Kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. which a man found and covered up. then in His joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

what's my treasure?

You are. Lord, make Your way straight before me [psalm 5:8].

that's it.


Gabriel said...

only few find that treasure, but those who do cherish it with all they are, because it's all they have.