Monday, August 3, 2009


"what a glorious day, what a glorious way, that You have saved me!" -happy day

"this is the day that You have made, to walk in Your love and Your grace." -i will rise up

what a crazy day. productive. encouraging. real.

starting over is blissful. after a night like the one i had last was the perfect day to follow. fellowship. encouragement. worship. rest. family. work.

i'm going to call last night my "samuel experience." though it was a rough one. and i faced attacks, i also saw victory. tonight i'll be tested. tonight i'm called to put into action where the Lord has brought my heart.

it's glorious that our strength comes from the Lord. it's such a great thing that in my weakness, HIS STRENGTH is made perfect. because i'm weak. i'm very weak. even after rest, i'm tired. very tired.

i'm so thankful for real people. like my mom. and my dad. and daniel. and joe. and meredith. and the twins. and james, and amanda. yeah, those are all the people i've come in contact with today, and i'm just so blessed by fellowship. i'm so blessed by talking about what matters. i'm so blessed by life together.

i'm also thankful for itunes. how cool is it to have a song on your heart, type it in, if you don't have it, you can purchase it immediately. the Lord is gracious to give us itunes. heh...

i can't wait for life. life is happening. life is beautiful!