Sunday, August 16, 2009

going back.

john 14:12-14 . . . i tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. he will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. and I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. you may ask Me for anything in My name, and I will do it.

Jesus promised me He will do whatever i ask in His name. and i'm asking to do greater things. i'm asking that this daughter bring glory to her Heavenly Father.


there are christians everywhere! do you even know what i'm saying?! i feel like paul, traveling around and being so encouraged by those who are walking by faith.

i'm still in chicago. today i spent my day hanging out with laura's small group. it was like being with our singles group back home. it was a blast. i was overwhelmed with encouragement and love. these people welcomed me in like we have been friends for years. i left feeling the Lord's presence. what joy! i haven't laughed so hard in a while. i was literally in tears. this diverse group, from korea, the philippines, china, japan, chicago, the middle east, yes, diverse group moves as one body. though the depth of faith could always go deeper, the Lord's hand in this group is apparent. it's SUCH an encouragement to be away from home, yet still see the power of the Holy Spirit. and among this group hasn't been the first time.

the Lord has been giving me a boldness like I've never known. as i ask, He is filling me. my attempt at understanding is that i'm living without fear, for once. i have been talking to people without holding my tongue, talking to them as if they believe the same thing as me, and in that, people ask questions! it's incredible. sharing with a non-believer about how the Lord is working in your life BLOWS THEIR MIND. goodness, it blows MY mind too...

i think i could jab all night.

Lord, let this fire not go out. as it grows dim, fan the flame.


M said...

you blog just enough...
i don't blog enough...
i'm encouraged that you're encouraged:) and i still get super happy every time i remember that you really are staying here... while i do think it would be a great test of my faith, i'm glad it's a test i don't have to take!!
i love you!

Gabriel said...

Amen friend!

Jesus' promises stand the test of eternity! You can hold fast to that.