Friday, August 14, 2009

more wonderful than i can imagine.

"i don't understand, but i thank You. i don't understand, but i know that You are good. i don't understand but i know You're taking this away because You have something better." -joshua harris, boy meets girl

i had breakfast with some dear friends this morning. i was letting them know about where the Lord has brought me in this journey to chicago. carly put my heart into words better than i could.

"i feel like the Lord is saying, 'here is this incredible opportunity, but what I WILL DO is so much more brilliant.'"

in no way am i saying that the Lord wont show a flashing light requiring me to move here, but my heart is currently at peace that i'm called to remain in atlanta. it's been so cool the past week. do you ever pray with your family? ask your parents for counsel? i've felt the Lord calling me to do that over the past few weeks, and i'm determined to make it a lifestyle. the Lord is Lord over families. i'm so blessed for the one He has placed me in. praying with my parents the past week, each evening, and asking for their counsel and private prayer as well has been such a blessing in the decision making process. it's also been a blessing in drawing my family closer together. making them more of a priority in my heart.

the counsel of my parents, and the leading of the Spirit has brought me to a place of peace, certainly surpassing all understanding. the Lord has worked in my heart a ton this summer. bringing on a transformation of my desires. no longer is this career my biggest dream [next to marriage], but instead missions. i want to further the Kingdom. i want to serve the lost, AND the saved. that's where my heart is. not that i can't serve the Lord, as well as others through doing hair, but the Lord is making it clear that this job is no longer my desire. instead, my desire is to live in community. my desire is to encourage, reach out, serve, be bold, and live life along the family He has placed me in.

i wasn't able to sleep very much this week. some of that was due to my social schedule, but some of it was due to the Lord speaking to me. it's crazy to me how many aspects of life the Lord has taken my perspectives and turned them 180 from where i've always been. what a beautiful thing that the Lord opens the door when we knock.

matthew 7:7-8 . . . ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. for everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.

that's a promise.

the things the Lord has for me are more wonderful than i can imagine. the things He is calling me to will bring Him glory, because that's what He promises. it's so easy to fail, and i know i will time and time again. it's so easy to become distracted. but my prayer is for determination. my prayer is for drive. i want to strive to live on the edge of the cliff. willing to jump [probably in a squirrel suit] and with complete faith that the Lord is going to catch me.

john 14:12-14 . . . i tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. he will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. and I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. you may ask Me for anything in My name, and I will do it.

do we believe that. i'm trying to tap into understanding the authority the Lord has given me. have any verses to encourage that?

i miss you guys. already.


M said...

i love this part... "he will do even greater things than these" because of faith. because it requires great faith to do great things.... it's been so encouraging to see you so earnestly seeking God's will and putting your faith in what He will do for and through you, and not what you can do. it's amazing love. it really is. so, you will do greater things than these because your faith is in Him.
i love you!

ooohemily said...

i love you. and your encouragement makes me cry. praise the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever!

tessa noelle. said...

squirrel suit... heh. youre doing that with me. lets start jumping off cliffs together. literally, AND for the Lord. there's no reason not too. i love you.

Rachel said...

So happy to read your thoughts Emily because they reflect an honest heart that has been changed by the Lord. Amazing! Praise God