Thursday, April 29, 2010

job 19:25 . . . i know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth.

that's all there is.

my mind has been racing today. so much going on in my head. my favorite place to be is when i can't make sense of anything, and there is nothing sound, but truth.

truth is that my Redeemer lives.
that i am redeemed.
that in the end, HE will stand upon the earth.

i'm so over not loving one another.
how do i change?
Lord, change me.


M said...

we change most quickly when we focus more closely on the One who we are trying to change to be like... so, dear, don't focus on your failure of loving others well, focus on this... "therefore be immitators of Christ, AS BELOVED CHILDREN..." Ephesians 5:1... don't forget that you are indeed Beloved... and the love of Christ covers your failed attempts to love others with His perfect love for them!

i LOVE you!! and i can't wait till you're home!