Thursday, November 12, 2009

learn from myself.

i've decided to go back and read the "book" i wrote almost two years ago. i want to see how my heart has changed. i want to see how my writing style has changed. and i want to be reminded of the truths the Lord used so vibrantly at that time in my life to call me to trust Him.

what a faithful God we serve. a God WELL WORTH serving.

Psalm 48:1 . . . Great is the Lord, and most worthy of praise.

"Multifaceted. Adj. Having many faces or aspects.
Is that a word you use or hear used to describe the Lord? Often? It should be.
I habitually find myself forgetting how comprehensive my God is. And He is.
It is so easy to place our loving God in a box, is it not? It’s so easy to give Him limitations based off of our limited minds."
-bdtb, chapter 1.

"Our relationships with the Lord are different . . . This doesn’t change who our God is, but only how we experience Him. You may have known him well, ever since your childhood fifty years ago. But I was saved as a child and I have only truly known Him and experienced a relationship with Him for the past 4-5 years.
He may be a Father to you, because yours isn’t around. He may be your best friend because you struggle socially. He could be someone whose existence you struggle to admit to at times. A relationship with Him could be a chore, or something your parents, friends, or spouse has pushed, or even forced upon you.
Does this change who He is? No. We each experience a different relationship with Him. We all see different sides of Him, different characteristics.
Once again, this is not to say our God changes.
Malachi 3:6 . . . “For I am the Lord, I do not change.”
Instead, He has the power to be a Father to the fatherless [Psalm 68:5], a closer Friend than a brother [Proverbs 18:24], and a righteous Judge [2 Timothy 4:8]. He is still God." "
-bdtb, chapter 1.

"Control says God can’t.
Expectations limit His power."
-bdtb, chapter 1.

"There is a vastness to our Savior which is to be taken a hold of. A mystery, a wonder, which we are to embrace."
-bdtb, chapter 1

"Letting go of the control you think you have over your life is what you’re doing when you accept Christ. When you “become a Christian” are you not giving your life over to Him? Does it not mean you are no longer your own?
Giving up control, unfortunately, as we well know, doesn’t just happen when we say that precious prayer. Instead, surrender to the Lord is a lifelong, difficult, every-moment-of-every-day process which we will struggle with until the day we see Jesus face to face.
That does not mean we should give up. This battle is one we must choose to fight. If we are to love the Father, embrace His multifacetness, and live a life of intimacy with Him, a heart that gives up control is necessary."
-bdtb, chapter 1


M said...

if this was facebook i would like this. when i not longer have school to read, i'm going to go back and read your book.... i like it :)

ooohemily said...

it's really terrible. ha. that's why i'm writing agian. but yeah, you should still read it.