Wednesday, September 23, 2009

titleless. meaning, without title.

proverbs 18:24 . . . a man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother.

it's finally hit me. i finally realize where the pain i've been facing has come from. all those i have turned to, those who i thought would understand, He graciously "taken" from me. and yes, by His grace He has done this. not to give me pain, but to bring healing. no one will understand me. not one.

He is the only friend. sticking closer than a brother.

i apologize to those of you whom i've run to. since april, when my "best friend" was lost, i've jumped around. each of you have graciously spoken truth. and i have repeated truth back at myself. time and time again. i think finally, tonight, at 3:26 am, i believe it.

such grace has He displayed! that He is always faithful [1 Corinthians 1:9]. He will NEVER leave or forsake [hebrews 13:5]

maybe i'll begin sleeping better.
i'm not alone.


Gabriel said...

"not to give me pain, but to bring healing. no one will understand me. not one."

that's a spiritually-informed realization. it IS difficult to deny ourselves. To deny the physical, what we can see, who we can see here. but it's not here where our hope and rest lie.

There's a Leeland song, "How Wonderful." The bridge's theme is proverbs 18:24. Do you have it?

Sometimes a mispelling can be fairly humorous, see if you can find one on your post...

M said...

i love you so much. SO much.

we are no longer having company this weekend. do you realize what this means for saturday night? i do :)