Saturday, June 27, 2009


it's a word i've never understood. not until past weeks.

it's God's grace, at work in my life. changing me, completely.

sanctification: "to make holy; set apart as sacred," "to purify or free from sin," "to make productive of or conducive to spiritual blessing."


for example.

holding my tongue. it blows my mind when i realize, "wait, did i really not say that out loud?"

i'm seeing grace in my speech. i've got a long, LONG way to go, always will, i'm sure, but by the Lord's power, i'm resisting temptation. i'm holding my tongue in so many areas. in taking control, in fighting back, in being fowl.

in holding my tongue, i'm learning to listen. really, you get to know people a lot better when you really hear what they're saying, and it's easier to see the truth behind what they're saying, and their motives...listening is a big deal.


psalm 109:21 . . . but You, o God my Lord, deal on my dehalf for Your Name's sake . . .

it's obviously all for His glory. beinging His children to glory only glorifies Him more.



Unknown said...

Agreed. Growing up in WCC, "sanctification" was not really part of our vocabulary but has been a buzz word in other churches I have been involved in. At first I hated the word, I felt as though Christians were saying that we had to work to earn our salvation and I just wanted to say, "Hello! we already are righteous and holy, just look at Ephesians 1&2." But, I too have come to understand the word and it's place in our lives. It is a wonderful word. Sanctification should be occuring daily in our lives, we should be striving to look more like Christ today than we did yesterday, this week more than last week. We must strive and press on to know Him more.

ooohemily said...

BEN! oh boy. you're on blogger???

Unknown said...

Nope, sry, I don't blog. But I happened to notice your post and thought I would comment.