Tuesday, June 16, 2009

my flesh.

the first time i saw this, about two years ago, i thought to myself, "that's beautiful."

do you know how sick that is? i've thought about it a whole lot, through my hippie accusations and my "let's love" mentality. truth is, without Jesus, that's who i would be. a hippie. an anything goes, whatever works for you, love works for me, lets get high, life is to be lived...hippie. like i said, without Jesus.

but by His grace, i've been saved from that. by His grace i have to walk that seemingly fine line between LoVe! and God's love.

it may be trure, in fact, it is true, God's love is unconditional. and it's also true, Jesus walked this earth living out that unconditional love. His love was accepting. His love was genuine. and His love was for everyone. but where the fine line falls, is believing for one second that Jesus didn't call people out. we can't think for one moment that Jesus didn't tell people how it is, challenge them, and speak truth.

so that's what true love is. true love is Truth, speaking Truth. no matter the consequence. or a better word, sacrifice.

that's where i fall. thats where i struggle. telling people they're wrong. though i feel like i simply want to be kind, and that i don't want to appear prideful, it is in actuality my pride that keeps me from speaking truth. no matter how i try and fail to justify my "aaccept them" mindset, it's always wrong. there is truth in accepting people, accepting who they are, where they're at, but there is no truth in not speaking out. there is no truth in holding back.

so it is a fine line. at least for my flesh. it's hard for me to be the one stepping on toes. the Gospel is offensive, yet i in no way want to offend.

why? fear. worry. rejection.

so what am i called to? sacrifice.

just a few thoughts i've been rethinking. a few things i've been meditating on. perhaps the Lord has provided challenge or encouragement to you, where you're at.

romans 12:1-3 . . . I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.


tessa noelle. said...

oh em my love. i feel you on this completely. its so easy to love people, and forget that sometimes loving them is telling them TRUTH. thanks for speaking truth and life into me, while still loving me completely. were just such lovers ;)

M said...

so true love.... i'm sorta on the other side. scratch that, i am on the other side. which is why we balance pretty well... i feel like i need to tell everyone they're wrong but i forget the love and grace part. there's nothing wrong with just loving people... but if that love doesn't have truth present at some time, it is no longer love—it's the same lies they already believe.
i -love- you! thanks for reminding me to love people!

Gabriel said...

i lost my train of thought after i read that Tessa said "lovers" haha

remember the whole growth and sanctification talk? THIS is definitely a place where God has changed you, because of His sacrifice He has then allowed you to do the same, to put to death living a inoffensive Christianity. i believe i am somewhat teeter-tottering between being offensive and welcoming. Thank you for the reminder that Jesus was ALL in it, He was ALL for spreading His Name, and He did what was perfectly necessary. Great reminder to live by.

Anonymous said...

im glad youre a hippie jesus lover.

i love every side of you. ohhhh!