Wednesday, February 6, 2008


"The purpose of lent is the preparation of the believer-- through prayer, patience, almsgiving and self-denial-- for the annual commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus, as celebrated during the Holy Week, which recalls the events linked to the passion of the Christ and culminates in Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of Christ." -Wikipedia.

Lent- As told by
"An annual season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter, beginning on Ash Wednesday and lasting 40 weekdays to Easter."

It was very difficult to decide what to give up for lent this year. Basically because I'm already living on essentials alone. I've settled on a couple of different things. My first thoughts were selfish. What would be good for me to give up? But through prayer and simple realization, it hit me that lent isn't about me. Sure, it may be to prepare me, but for what? His glory.

My church doesn't talk about lent, or encourage it or anything. It's been a personal thing for me through high school and continuing But prayer and fasting isn't only meant for this 40-day period beginning today and continuing through Easter, my life should be a constant sacrifice, and that is something which the Lord has demanded of me. But you can never give too much to the Lord.

I'm living in pure thankfulness at the moment. Most obvious reason of the moment is I am at work, with this beautifully huge window in front of me, and there is a glorious downpour of my favorite thing coming from Heaven. I wanna say there is nothing better. But there is- and I have it. God's blessings in my life are beyond compare, the greatest things anyone could ask for. I don't deserve it, but I am -so- thankful for the love He is molding in my life.

It's hard to stay thankful. It's hard to keep a thankful heart. Because I'm under attack. This job. This sickness. This pain. But a thankful heart is good medicine, says the Word, and it's so true.

There is a song I used to sing with my family growing up, many of you probably know it. But quite recently it's made a huge impact on my perspective on life. I can't remember all the words, but the line which has impacted me is the following [and it's not the hymn...]

"Count your blessings name them one by one."

But seriously, if you're not in a place of cheer, if you're not living with a thankful heart, it's so simple to begin naming all the things you're thankful for, there should be so many. We're all so blessed.


Gabriel said...

well, you must know how to do SOMETHING since your blog is like crazy uncanny.

when you go to the customize thing, you can edit the header. and i just imported a pic, and put the headline overtop of it. It wasn't actually any html stuff. I might end up doing some, but i like how it is for now.

Plus lent. all i can think of is lint.

I need to read your blog, all i read was "lint." least, thats all i SAW.

i'll leave you a real comment later.

sarahvaldes said...

lent reminds me of lental. and i'm not really sure what a lental is... but it reminds me of it.

nice post. i like reading them.

sarahvaldes said...

haha yes. definately not volunteer work! :]

Anonymous said...

sarah its lentil- like lentil soup, actually quite good. they are kinda like bean/grain dealios.

anyways. all i have to say to this is amen.


amen. sista. i love you.

tessa noelle. said...

im not celebrating lent this year. i couldnt give you a good reason why. ive only ever celebrated it in the past because it was "the thing" to do. and i need to completely understand why im doing it if im going to do it. so maybe next year.

but your post, was beautiful and im thankful for you. love you

M said...

i love saying that... people usually don't know what it means... i met a girl named selah once...
i have never done lent... ever. mostly because i can never think of anything to give up that would actually give me an opportunity to glorify God more... i wouldn't want to do lent just to do it... like fasting, i'd want to do it and be able to prepare myself to be more glorifying to God...
hmm... i should find something, but probably for next year...

you are a daughter of the King, my love...