Wednesday, February 13, 2008

it was Your grace.

It was Your grace that drew me to the cross
It was Your grace that gave me faith
It was Your grace that reconciled me to Yourself
Though I had sinned in every way
You disarmed me of everything that I would lean on
So I would lean on You
And You stripped me of everything I would depend on
So I’d depend on You
In You alone my strength is found
In You alone my hope abounds
In You alone my strength is found
My life is bound up in You
And in my weakness give me still more grace
Grace to cast myself on You
In every trial let me find Your peace and joy
And grace to humbly walk with You
O disarm me of everything that I would lean on
So I will lean on You
Jesus, strip me of everything I would depend on
So I’ll depend on You
Give me more grace
Give me more grace
And new mercies every morning
Give me new mercies -SGM

The Lord has repeatedly stripped me of the things that I tend to lean on, simply so that I will lean on Him. He has stripped me of everything I have depended on outside of Him, so that I depend on only Him.
I hope these words are as much of an encouragement to you as they were to me.


Anonymous said...

oh grace. His grace is all sufficient.
man if it wasnt for His grace id be a goner.

plus thrift store:
i basically just sorted & priced baby clothes all dy.

really made me wanna be a mommy. C:

M said...

that is my new favorite sovereign grace song... makes me happy that it's still 'new' and we sing it all the time...

i hate having things taken away...
but with lots of encouragement, i'm learning to love depending on Him and His grace.

max said...

i've joined this crazy site.

Gabriel said...

yes haha i can't believe these are SG lyrics!

I totally agree with Emily, this is my favorite new song we haven't killed yet.

"You disarm me of, everything I would depend on, so I'd depend on You." - my favorite part

max said...

your comment was brilliant. thank you.

Amanda said...

Oh good, I'm so glad you found it. Sorry I never replied! It was one of those "I was checking my blog and was in a hurry and told myself I'd respond back later and never did" kind of things. :)
And I will probably be over tonight. Hope you're having a good day!

M said...

i understand...
for me, He has changed my dreams, given me new ones, and showed me different ways that my dreams are fulfilled...
the song is sarah mcglachlan... "ordinary miracels"... it's wonderful!