Monday, January 28, 2008

i can't believe it.

i've been looking into art schools.
all day.

SCAD looks the best for painting. And my personality.
I actually found myself on the ksu website though.
Seriously, I thought never.
Every time. This is how it happens, every time.
-I- plan something.
-I- say something IS or ISN'T going to happen, and God decides to prove me wrong.
We'll see.

I've been looking at hair schools as well...
but nothing has made my heart jump.
Plus, I want to keep working if at all possible, and I -can't- do that when in hair school.

I didn't think I'd be back here.
I can decide to move on in life.
I can be a banker.
I can paint at night, and try to make some money off of it.
I could spend all the money I have, and all the money I don't have.
I could be a grand artist.
I could make millions.
I could do hair.
I could have my own salon.
I could have my own salon/gallery.

I can't.
I can't.
I can't.


He can.


M said...

you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.
just pick your favorite one and go for it. he'll let you know if it's the wrong one. but like you've told me a million times, God gives you your desires for a reason... it's either to change them for His glory or use them for His glory...
there's a key phrase there, but i'm guessing you can figure out what it is.
i love you... and i will buy one of your paintings someday. even if you don't become a professional painter... i'll commission you to do something for me... ok?
sounds good.
so does loving you...

tessa noelle. said...

emily anne, you certainly CAN do it. whatever you want to do, you can do. please dont let me catch you saying you cant ever again. Here's a verse out of Isaiah 42 that is encouraging:
"I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them."
This is God speaking to you, reminding you He will get you there wherever there might be. trust Him and know that all those options you just said you could do, you can really do those. Remember Jeremiah 29:11 as well. He knows the plans He has for you. live life one day at a time enjoying where your at now. I think you dwell so often on change that you forget what he is doing in you at -this- very moment. think about how you can be used at the bank today. today em. and tomorrow will be a new day full of His wonderful surprises. and just know im not a preacher here, you and me both are big future dwellers. He's breaking me of it slowly. i should probably stop writing you a book now. i love you SO much and i miss you terribly..

tessa noelle. said...

just keep praying about it and trusting Him. this fall is a long way away- in the Lord's eyes at least. thats a whole lotta months for Him to change your life. hehe. be excited! im excited your in my life! i love you!

tessa noelle. said...

humbug doesnt go well with that lovely word you produced. hehe. yess long time no hug.. that should change.

tessa noelle. said...

possibly this weekend. my brother is moving on saturday and im helping him- so ill be busy all day. and friday night i believe alex is taking me out for my birthday dinner so im kinda booked. lol. we'll figure something out. maybe sunday afternoon- definitely next weekend!

M said...

thank you my love... (i just accepted a compliment... in case you were unaware ;))

tessa noelle. said...

la te da
i think peeling an apple with your teeth might be a joyous experience.. next time we must try it.

tessa noelle. said...

ha. its kathryn my sister in law. i dont want to read the book because i like chicken and caffeine to much to give it up.. lol.

tessa noelle. said...

okay well ill let you dig the hole and ill just climb behind you. lol

tessa noelle. said...

i would very much like to dig a hole with you. and go canoeing on your lake. you better be digging and canoeing with me on friday.. or else.

Anonymous said...

yes-we are.

bah....He can. what a short yet precisely true statement that -i- & apparently -you- as well take for-granted all too often.

i insist on taking the wheel. but by doing that im making it harder on myself.