Saturday, May 22, 2010

what does your wake look like?

have you ever entered into a group of Christians, and rather than being encouraged, your broken down? there's something wrong with that picture, but it happens all the time.

in my own heart i'm praying to be broken down. that i would not enter in with a judgmental spirit, or a spirit of self-righteousness. i pray that the Lord uses me as an example, and that i may lead in serving and encouraging.

my heart is braking for the Christians i've been surrounded by. braking for them, and being broken by them.

i heard someone speak the other day on leadership. "it's a leader's responsibility to encourage his followers." that's the line that stuck out to me, and the line that tore at me. when i'm in a leadership position, am i encouraging those under my wing? that's what makes a true leader. like Jesus, we must come as servants. laying ourselves down.

it's sad how pride can destroy so powerfully, even in Christian circles. especially in Christian circle. i know i'm certainly victim, falling into pride and failing to serve and encourage.

paul, even in his place of wisdom beyond years had HUMILITY to match. this morning i'm encouraged by his spirit when longing to meet with fellow believers.

romans 1:11-12 . . . for i long to see you, that i may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.

paul's desire matches the Lord's. his desire is to strengthen others, by the power given to him by the Father. he goes in hoping to be encouraged by others as well, not with a prideful spirit thinking only -he- will have an affect. his hope is to be affected.

i've been discouraged and broken down by my current circle. and i've allowed that to keep me from serving and encouraging my fellow believers in truth. in three days i'll be entering back into another circle, and for that, i'm blessed. i'm excited for the opportunity to bask in the Lord's grace and mercy and allow Him to shine through me.

for these last days on tour, it is my prayer than i can humble myself and serve. that i wont allow other's to control the living spirit within me.

i confess a judgmental heart, and i pray for a heart to love. a heart to love like He does. a heart to serve like He did. and wisdom and words to encourage every opportunity i get.

go out in faith!