Saturday, December 5, 2009

i'll be more than okay.

what a glorious thought!

john 10:9-10 . . . I am the door. if anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.


thank You Jesus!

such simple truth, but so life-altering, if we let it be.
His desire for me is not to "live the safest life ever." [haha...francis...]
but to have life, and have it ABUNDANTLY!
that includes pain, suffering, EXTREME joy, worth, risks, adventure, excitement, heartbreak, and healing. it's a roller-coaster, which HE has created. a brilliant design that i cannot fathom.

i'm awe struck.
i'm excited.
i'm in love with my Savior.

He's healing me, and giving me life once again.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

in the Name of Jesus!

tonight, i've experienced two extremes. i had a dream, by God's grace, which awakened me at 5:28 am. after rejoicing, praying, a thankful heart, and a sense like none other that the room i'm in was filled with angels fighting a battle around me and winning, i fell back asleep. then, the Lord allowed another dream, waking me up at 6:35 am, shaking profusely and praying that in the name of Jesus, these demons have no place here. no place where my Jesus has already been victorious. no place where i'm looking to Him, claiming His Name!

so here i sit, wide awake. after texting my brother, finding out he still has all his fingers, and realizing the silliness in a cereal killer who plays uno as his ploy to chop his prey to pieces, i'm extremely aware of the spiritual, yet SO real, battle happening around me. it's been years since i've really experienced a dark force. satan's power tonight was evident. but what's more amazing is the power of Jesus' name. not only did i experience HIM in a new way, first. as soon as satan attempted to smother His glory, he has been banished, simply by the power of Jesus' name.

He is victorious.

as i woke up in awe of God's glory after my first dream, i could do nothing but rejoice. i prayed. i felt the peace that surpasses all understanding. i smiled. and i rested.

as i woke up terrified, shaking, and almost in tears, i again was in awe of God's glory. what a Name! in moments after claiming, "satan, in the name of Jesus, you have no place here!" i began singing, "God is my victory and He is here." again i experienced that peace, and i believe now, i may rest again.

power in the Name of Jesus
salvation in the Name of Jesus
freedom in the Name of Jesus
everything i need
protection in the Name of Jesus
deliverance in the Name of Jesus
healing in the Name of Jesus
everything i need is in that Name

--power in the Name, james avery simms