Thursday, March 27, 2008

what now?

there is so much more.
i don't feel like i spend my time the way i want to.
that's something i think about on my way hom from work every evening.

how do you spend your time?

Friday, March 7, 2008

would you want to read more?

Grandpa had that “old man” way of talking. You know, with the mumbly-grumbly sound. Almost like his mouth was full, and his throat was scratchy, but the thing was, they weren’t. It was the same sound you hear emitted out of the mouth of most old men. Whether they’re the pleasant kind, or the old grumps who are devastated they no longer have a sex-drive.

Grandma on the other hand still had that sweet young tone in her voice. Sometimes I could swear she could get as high a tone out of her as the tweens walking through the mall gasping at the on sale, one-hundred dollar pants from “Abercrombie” or something like that.

And that’s what I remembered. As I lay there in bed, now an orphan. Their voices. Mom and dad had been gone my entire life, but Grandpa, he had been daddy. And Grandma, more of a mother than I could ever ask for. And now, at twenty years old, I was finally on my own. Of course, you expect older people to die. And I knew the time would come. But now it was me, me and that blasted dog I was forced to call my best friend. Without his comforting fur, I would be completely, and, well, utterly alone.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

i work at a bank.

i've been eating a lot of lollypops.
we serve dum dums.
today, it's pink lemonade.
honestly, it reminds me of the summertime.
kroger pink lemonade at the pool.
my tan friends, my white self.
i'm so excited about summer.
before, i wasn't.
because i'll be working all day.
but i'm stoked about getting off work and jumping in the pool.
and i'm stoked about wearing tank tops.
and i'm stoked about stopping saying the work stoked.
i'm excited about what's to come.
life looks pretty out there.
it's pretty in here too, actually.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

So, Is it completely odd?

I like Macy Grey.

I'm at work, so this shall be short.

Psalm 68:19 . . . Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Selah.

I have a lot of burdens. Lately. Mom thinks that's why my headaches are back. I don't. I used to bear my burdens, but I think I've given them over.

Psalm 68:20 . . . Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.

You check out Psalm 68:32-25 yourself. Praise Him.
This rain is beautiful.